Bernard Moninot. Mémoire du vent

Listen Bernard Moninot

Bernard MONINOT (1949, Le Fay)

Winds have always been seen as singular beings all across the world, as shown by their names and the definite article that precedes them: the noroît, the mistral, the sirocco, the harmattan etc. In many civilisations, winds were divinities – Aeolus in Greece, Fūjin in Japan and Shu in Egypt. But it was not from mythology that Bernard Moninot took his inspiration; it was another imaginary world in which entomologists’ subtle hunt meets science, with its explorations and experimentation. In the middle of a plain or on a hillside, he arranges his instruments: from the end of an arm mounted on a tripod, he hangs a round glass Petri dish whose surface has been coated with lamp black; beneath, he fixes a stylus to the end of a twig or a plant stalk. Disturbed by the wind, the stylus inscribes its movement on the surface of the glass for around ten seconds. The result is a graph showing a brief sequence from the invisible film of the wind, captured in its corpuscular being, like the movements of particles in a cloud chamber. (extract from the Chambre d’écho catalogue, Château de Sucy, 2019 – Renaud Ego)

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