Bernard Moninot. A la poursuite des nuages

Listen Bernard Moninot

Bernard MONINOT (1949, Le Fay)

“This drawn performance took place on a plateau in the Jura at an altitude of 500 metres, in my studio, which overlooks a vast landscape. The point of these drawings is not to produce a sky landscape through the addition of all the things seen, but to adopt the attitude of a scribe examining the horizon to translate on to paper the moving forms of the clouds. The landscape and clouds are read from left to right, in the same movement as the act of writing. Whenever the gaze returns to a point on the horizon, I begin a new line on the paper, where before drawing I mark the minutes before the drawing restarts. In the notation of these pauses, the drawing catches its breath and moves on until the paper gradually fills with cloud lines forming a kind of text, a story of the sky.”  Bernard Moninot

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